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The Value of Weekly Planning by Role

By Leadership DevelopmentNo Comments

Do you have too much to do at the moment? Currently I have 24 professionals completing reflective workbooks each week as part of their “Stepping Into Leadership” programme. It’s a new and explicit role as learner for them needing extra time in their diary, and needs to be planned in. Priorities are important. You may recall a previous blog of…

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Fix The System, Not The Women

By Culture Change, EDI Reviews, Leadership DevelopmentNo Comments

Whether it is the police, firefighters or whatever sector coming next, misogynistic, racist and homophobic workplaces are being exposed with more data, more evidence and more voices in the room than ever before. I’d like to say that we are getting traction on solutions, although progress seems to be breath-takingly slow. Awareness is surely the start of any change though,…

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