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Blogging Tour – Why do I write?

By Leadership Development2 Comments

GILL HOW turns towards you, looks you in the eye and says “I help you grow”.  She is expert at turning her own story, together with its transformative moments, into insightful, incisive and heartfelt learning for us all. Collaborative, creative, motivated by mutual learning, she works with individuals and groups, inside and outside organisations, to surpass expectations through personal and…

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Getting Busy – Alive as a Guide

By Leadership DevelopmentOne Comment

Tension starting in the stomach. My head thinking – this could escalate massively out of control. Leading to? Something I call negative imagination. All because, like many others I know, professionally, I am getting much more busy again. Which should be good, but can also bring up anxiety, and if I am not careful, take me a little too near…

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