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EDI Book Club +

Gill How and Caroline Ward co-host the book club.

Are you interested in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)?

  • You are most welcome to come to our EDI Book Club +, as a one-off, occasional or regular member!
  • We meet once a month, alternating between books, podcasts and other media selected by the group
  • It’s not essential to have finished the material before we meet
  • Together we create a safe, non-judgemental space where there is no such thing as a silly question
  • Founded in 2023, email Gill to find out more!

Coming Up – Our Next Event:

This is a fascinating memoir in comic form, available in book, kindle and audio formats.

Join us on Friday 26th July at 12.30 GMT or

Monday 29th July at 17.30 GMT.

Contact Gill for the Zoom link!

Our Journey So Far:

Deconstructing Karen documentary about race and gender

Disability Visibility edited by Alice Wong

Tackling Ageism at Work BBC Podcasts

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Maudie biographical film

Revolting Women by Dr Lucy Ryan

Nanette by Hannah Gadsby

Barbie the film

How To Be An Anti-Racist by Ibram X Kendi

Why Women Are Not Getting The Feedback They Need To Succeed podcast by Carla Miller

The Book About Getting Older by Dr Lucy Pollock

How To Be An Antiracist podcast Dr Brene Brown & Ibram X Kendi

The Authority Gap by Mary Ann Sieghart

IS THAT CLEAR?: Effective communication in a neurodiverse world book 

Fix the System, Not the Women by Laura Bates

EDI Book Club + Blogs | View all

What Is The Legacy Of The Barbie Film For You?

| EDI Reviews, Leadership Development | 4 Comments
Did you watch the Barbie film? Is it what you expected? In recent conversation in our EDI group, our reactions ranged from we really, really didn’t like the film, to we loved it! Discussing the film was a contrast from heavy weight books like Invisible Women, Fix The System Not The Women, and The Authority Gap, and helped most of…

Fix The System, Not The Women

| Culture Change, EDI Reviews, Leadership Development | No Comments
Whether it is the police, firefighters or whatever sector coming next, misogynistic, racist and homophobic workplaces are being exposed with more data, more evidence and more voices in the room than ever before. I’d like to say that we are getting traction on solutions, although progress seems to be breath-takingly slow. Awareness is surely the start of any change though,…

Am I an Invisible Woman?

| EDI Reviews, Leadership Development | 2 Comments
With massive reluctance, I have just read “Invisible Women” by Caroline Criado Perez, which I discussed in my book group last Friday. Why was I reluctant? Well, I knew it was going to be heavily data driven, which for me is always a tough read. But there was more. I was not sure I was going to like what I…