Can you honestly say that you switch on your strengths EVERYDAY? Can you tell me the difference this makes?
Research from the Corporate Leadership Council (now Gartner) shows that if your manager focusses on your strengths in appraisal conversations, your performance increases by up to 36.4%.
If switching on your strengths is something you can implement EVERYDAY in 2025, how much difference to your aspirations, goals, performance and outcomes can it make? Is this worth a try?
From my fifteen years+ experience of working with strengths, here are some of my observations:
- On-line strengths tools give you names for your strengths; this is useful but not the same as owning your strengths or putting them into action everyday
- Often the idea of strengths goes no further than intellectual knowledge. This is different from consciously choosing how to employ them against your goals and aspirations
- A strengths mindset is like a muscle. Unless we top up or reconnect with the positive energy from using our strengths regularly, effectiveness against goals will drop off over time.
So what do I think is a better approach?
Step 1 – Shift to how it feels inside, rather than what is in your head.
When have you felt energised or satisfied? Which tasks or activities do you look forward to the most? Take time to reflect on when you have felt most alive, engaged, at your best or proud.
Pinpoint what it is exactly that helps you feel like that. Here you will find your strengths, by feeling the energy arising inside you.
Step 2 – Consciously choose strengths which will support success with your goals
What is it that you hope to achieve in 2025? Let’s say, for example, that a promotion is something you aspire to. What new things do you need to be doing in the more senior role?
How could you stretch a specific strength to get there? For example, use your strength in relationship building to manage and influence stakeholders.
You can take the free VIA strengths test here:

Step 3 – Consciously employ your strengths in new ways
Maybe your creativity could help you find a new way to manage your finances.
Or you could combine strengths in an innovative way, for example a talent for detail with adventure to create a holiday itinerary.
Or you could sequence your strengths to achieve a goal, for example, creating and then communicating ideas.

Here are my top tips:
- Think about when you FELT at your best each day. Develop language (strengths tools can help you with this) to become even more familiar with when precisely you were at your best each day.
- Whatever names you give your strengths, PLAN how to call on them and employ them against your biggest hopes, goals and aspirations for 2025.
- Develop and IMPLEMENT a strengths mindset to change mood, progress and succeed every day in 2025.
What have I missed? How else could you switch on your strengths EVERYDAY this year?
Please contact me if, in a similar way to the Railway Industry Association (below), I can add value to your conference, event, professional network or team away day with my keynote presentation: Switch On Your Strengths!

Gill How is an internationally recognised Leadership Developer designing and delivering programmes globally which enable senior managers, executives and professionals step into their strategic leadership capability and stretch their strengths.
Gill is a Fellow of the Association for Coaching, a Team Facilitator and Strengths Expert. She has founded a Diversity and Inclusion Bookclub to which ALL are welcome. If you would welcome an exploratory conversation, get in touch:
“Gill has been a key part on my leadership journey. Gill’s ability to get the best out of people and facilitate discussion, enabling self reflection and growth is admirable. I would thoroughly recommend taking any leadership opportunities with Gill.“
Jo Phelps, Associate Director, Jacobs
Photo credits: Pexels